How Good Is the Cannon Cart in Clash Royale? 🛒
Deadstay 👍5
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youtube dog 👍4
something thats not really mentioned is how when its shield gets destroyed and turns into its building form it actually shoots faster and does crazy damage
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That1HockeyKid29 👍3
I use it in my drill deck: cannon cart, hunter, fire spirit, goblin drill, log, fireball, bandit and skeletons. It’s a huge part of the deck tbh and works rly well. Got too 6500 with it. Highly recommend the deck
Rare♤ 👍3
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Creeperboom981 👍3
I would have given it at least a B
Ian Malcolm 👍3
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The Aston Villa Seal 👍2
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Suo_CR 👍1
I agree 100% everytime cannon cart finds a spot in the meta it’s super op until the deck it’s in is nerfed then it’s back to not being used much despite its stats not being touched
Mr. BlobBERRY 👍1
Yeah, the cannon nerf was weird because I think the cannon cart WAS balanced and didn’t need the nerf.
Frosted is cold 👍1
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QuakeKnight96 👍1
I love them so much that i cant decide who’s better between Cannon Cart or Hunter
The Overseer 👍1
I found a weird niche in heavy xbow, but it probably works better in 2x elixir challenges
You can sometimes play it in such a way, they need to kill it before facing the xbow, giving you even more value
Inconspicuous Wombat 👍1
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TheOneWhoDoesRants 👍1
cart is kinda impossible to balance because if you make it too good on defense without nerfing its offense (or vice versa) then it outclasses way too many ranged cards, but if you do nerf either of those traits it loses its identity or just becomes worse than other rangers.
YouTube raccoon 👍1
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Justin Martinez 👍1
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Incognito 👍0
Early love you man but your so underrated can we all get him to at least 50k
1AhMqD 👍0
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Jordan Winteroth 👍0
I agree, but it is good and clone. Call me crazy but I am still using clone in this matter and it’s worked pretty well.
The Aston Villa Seal 👍0
Gotta agree, canon cart gets dwarfed no matter the type of deck
Killerky 👍0
I ran it in a all off meta card deck and went 22-0 with it.
Hylax65 👍0
Do Whataburger
Cute kitty 👍0
Do how goods KFC
Axellotol 👍0
Honestly this card is so annoying in midladder
Legna 👍0
FireBlitz 👍0
I kinda disagree to some extent. The cannon cart is definitely in a weird spot but it has a place in most decks since it’s so versatile at what it does as a purely defensive card. If the deck is nerfed with CC in it, the card may be just used in a different deck that becomes meta. I don’t know, it may just be me being a little biased since it’s one of my favorite cards.
Typically, i usually see it in most siege decks like mortar or xbow as a good option instead of a defensive building since it denies and entire lane by itself. Heck, sometimes I even see it in graveyard decks at top ladder. Personally, I think it’s just underrated.
C1NN@M0N 👍0
Nooooooo B+minimum aside from the meta it’s super unique and versatile with its ability
Lin 👍0
The cannon cart should always be a building so it’ll have a unique property as a moveable building. Right now the card offers nothing special