世界のベストプレーヤーのトップ 5 デッキ! 🏆 — クラッシュ・ロワイヤル (2023 年 2 月)


Secret Swimbaits 👍4

love this chamnel! i love CR too.. wish i could figure out how to beat anybody… ever 😅

Aurora Wolve_YT 👍4


Its_ Ross 👍2

Let’s just take time to appreciate jake and all the times he helped us understand the in depth information about different decks.

Industructable 👍2


Omkar Mural 👍2

There are a lot of toxic players in the game i am quiting this game today clash royal is a trash 🚮🚮

Clément 👍2

If ever you wanted to have a picture of Ryley, I think Morten did a video about him playing a BO5 against Ryley and he somehow got a photo of him I could give you the video’s link if you want. Anyways awesome video today. I really loved the editing of this one. Your editors really did surpass themselves with this montage. Thank you for the positive vibes you give up and I hope to catch you soon in one of your streams. Lots of love from Canada.

Hamster 👍1

The fact that you can play amazing with any deck and maintain calmness while simultaneously giving tips is incredible to me! Keep up the good stuff (:

Tiger 👍1

These monthly top 5s are insane! Hopefully the series stays

bigbaggio 👍1

Tag daily uploads are keeping me sane! Thank you Sir 😅

Harshvardhan Thatte 👍1

Back to the notification gang baby!! Love your content tag 😁

zRuzzix 👍1

What is the best deck in GC?

Feshdumbeldor 👍1

Where is Morten


Scripted. Every card level is 11…why no-one recognize that

Consti 👍1

13:03 What the frick did the goblin just do there??

Dark Destiny 👍1

The goblin at 13:00 walking across the water😮

Hezi – Topic 👍1

You definitely bm’d that guy when you used that hog giant skeleton deck 🥴

Irvin Cerda 👍1

Went from 5k trophy player to 6.9k currently after couple months of watching Jakes vids, will break 7k soon thanks Jake!

Austin Felt 👍1

Thank you so much, Jake! Yesterday, I went shooting with my brother and a friend! I had a blast! I personally loved the pistol(Springfield XDS 9mm) so much! That’s my kind of gun! I love your content so much, Jake! Keep it up!:)

Jordan Delos Reyes 👍1

Man I thought the Riley Logo was Jake’s for a sec

Octavio Jr Cortes 👍1


Evan Enjoy 👍1


Elite 👍0

Trash or treasure deck:-
knight, giant snowball, earthquake, log, executioner, bomb tower, skeletons, hog-rider

3 spells might seem too much but i’m currently winning 95% games with this deck and love it

AW Shorts CR 👍0

Another amazing video, and the editing was better than ever!

Flamming0084 👍0

It makes me so happy to see a Pekka deck that is not bridge spam make it into one of your top 5 deck videos

MashySob 👍0

You winning against that sparky player was so satisfying!

DTN 👍0

Thank you Jake, for providing us the top 5 decks coming from the best players in the world after those recent balance changes

Michael Karami 👍0

I didn’t see someone play with some of this decks, but I think they’ll going to be some who’ll copy and rock those, can’t wait to play against them

Ticktank68 👍0

best Clash Royale youtuber, all of your videos are so well done and always makes me feel better watching them

Jackaroni1i 👍0

Congratulations on 600k!!!!!

Night FF 👍0

Hi sir tag