TopLGabe 👍10
never back down
never give up
Jef 👍3
What an insane comeback with a random AI deck against Ryley!
Par Central 👍2
The Goblin King Really Sold That One😂
ThatOneGuy 👍2
Emran Amini 👍1
Never back down
Braden Smith 👍1
hi ian
AW Shorts CR 👍0
Of course it would be Ryley who loses to an AI generated deck 😂
Jiffydood 👍0
Nick eh 30 would be very proud
Goothie 👍0
ian can’t lose
Lorenz Smith 👍0
The music in the background is dope
mrkvaツ 👍0
For the meme, the stream, the dream and the EH team
Krishna Chaurasia 👍0
It’s just ryley doing ryley things
Itz JoshDM 👍0
Never back down, never what?
muhamad nafis 👍0
We know this guy with hog rider is unstoppable
The K-Dude 👍0
its ryley what do you expect?
Boston Smith 👍0
Asking again. Are you able to push to #1 without hog rider💀 the most no brainer no skill card in the game
grum 👍0
very very VERY rare footage of ryley making it difficult for ian
Diego Diaz Del Campo 👍0
Those guys who play that deck have no skill they just place stuff down and win
Captian00f 👍0
Never back down , never give up- Nick eh 30
Oro garcia 👍0
Ryley is dew dew
Jael 👍0
I love mommy valk😩
#UltraSkillex Z 👍0
Lo que Dijo : No Way … Lo Que Escuche ; No Wey !
Robby Siebenbour 👍0
Ian just rickrolled us all in a smart way 😅
Omri ww 👍0
I rembeber i won you i was 12 in the world and you played 3 musketerrs
TorintoT 👍0
can i have the rest of ur cards in this video .. valk mm hog pkka musk nado fb zap.. oh wait i got them all THANX!
DoggonePlayzYT 👍0
Who else but Ryley
Vicente Fritz 👍0
I remember some dude said in one of your videos that not giving up in top ladder was worthless, I guess this proves him wrong lol
Ethanthegoat412 👍0
You always beat ryley
Sad Crab 👍0
Never back down never what?