How Did I WIN That 😱
@someguyusingtheinternet641 👍3
When Ian says I think we lost 99 times out of 100 he does some crazy clutch
@Minyul-dn6vs 👍1
Ian > Ryley
@Lia.nx22 👍0
This man sounds so calm, he reminds me of that nice painter with curly hair
Edit: now I remember the name : Bob Ross haha
@realmzrealizz 👍0
Awesome to see CR testing out 2 evos in the tournament instead of ruining the meta by just adding them
@Scissors-ci6sq 👍0
Love watching ian beat other guys with a creamy finish
@808-Young 👍0
Good advice great job keep up the good work 👍
@user-rg1kv1wz8j 👍0
3rd pls pin i subbed
Edit 1 : yes I liked my own comment
@Egg45634 👍0
The Clan Name from the Enemy💀💀💀💀
All Germans will understand it💀
@fx2180 👍0
Day 34 of asking you to call little prince prince tiny
@levicaiafa3913 👍0
Ian my goat 🐐🐐
@krzysztofduck3798 👍0
Second i guess
@HX-Sky 👍0
About to get my first evo, cant wait to start using evo cracker in hog eq, still playing 2.6 hog after having it maxed for over a year and it being my one trick, im ready for to learn a new deck.
@user-ny6ef5vo6l 👍0
@smyc305 👍0