
@-Static 👍8

Watching a master do what he does best

@rev.stealerofmemes 👍3

The new update is really great free evos. 😅

@dawg442 👍2

rate my deck: miner, skarmy, wall, little prince, log, cannon, knight, cracker. it is the only deck i’m good at and idk if i can get to champions with it. i need you please respond

@crossbreedpricilla8456 👍1

Dang I would’ve used recruits no wonder I’m bad at the game lol.

@clashbustersgaming6380 👍1

Lan in his every video 'idk how to defend this’ and ends up defending+three crowning+ bming + laughing+recording+making the opponent cry on his move 😭

@adamf6654 👍1

Glitch that allows multiple evos in your deck right now

@realmzrealizz 👍0

These match-ups are flawless 🔥

@Schlegel_BageI 👍0

Couldn’t agree more !!!

@diegocorrea9747 👍0

L opponent deck… w deck w defense

@v7c8t66 👍0

goblin cage is very underrated its kinda, always gets value on defence or offence

@dmitrisemenov1998 👍0

how could mini pigs stronger than hog

@mbsuwaidi 👍0

This my main deck and never was able to defend against egolem. Now I know how. Thanks 🙂

@sulimanalmasalmeh5588 👍0

Those eg players are geh

@samfagioli3543 👍0

The bloabs

@IMayWin 👍0

Ian, the YouTuber of the Clash Royale Variety!