Clash Royale Has Failed Its Players
@Sneaky429 👍127
Supercell has become greedier as time goes on, that’s why I just quit
@orangejuice 👍73
Did you just compare clash Royale to Hay Day?! I’ll have you know Hay Day is the Number One Game In The World™
@EpicSword28 👍70
I find it so funny how Brawl Stars and Clash Royale reversed roles and now Clash Royale earns as much as Hay Day
@denialz 👍69
I find myself uninstalling this game every week
@FiscalDeKu. 👍52
brawl stars dev team: 🤩😇🥰
clash royale dev team: 👿🖕🤑
@Im_Not_Eddy 👍30
Supercell is gonna look at this video and be like:
“I think this means we gotta add level 16 into the game”
@karp3865 👍30
Crazy how Brawl Stars makes 3x as much as Clash Royale despite being way less pay to win and the devs actually caring about the community, taking criticism and fixing past mistakes even if it means they lose some money.
@dannneyy 👍25
yall remember the “if clash royale was made by EA" videos? ea could never at this point lmao
@dudu-bs4750 👍25
The only reason clash royale has a playerbase is because of 2 reasons:
1. The OG playerbase still plays the game casually
2. People has spent so much money that they can’t just stop playing it or else it was just a waste money
@CalmControllerASMR 👍24
Supercell’s falloff is actually insane
@williamP1307 👍23
Pretending the game doesn’t exist anymore is easier than knowing what it has turned into.
I miss Clash Royale.
@Mr.PerfectCellGaming 👍15
I made an account three days ago that was entirely F2P. Soon as I hit electro valley I can’t win a single game due to over leveling
@simonbastianelli5540 👍14
For real, I’m a f2p player that is trying to push ladder while still being level 14. Going against double evolutions and losing because of 1 level gap interactions every single game is getting very very frustrating. And now I’ve just been mindlessly playing for the last few months collecting wild cards just to finally get to level 54 and be done with this. Level 15 killed this game.
@HuTayo 👍13
The game was so much more enjoyable pre 2019. Getting several cards released frequently that were actually fairly balanced is something i miss, but instead we get 15 different shop offers daily, broken cards that get nerfed only after they sell deals to max them. idk why they couldn’t have just gone the cosmetic route similar to brawlstars.
@demetre8285 👍13
i hope you wont abandon making videos . anytime i feel down or sad i always rewatch your old videos and they never fail to cheer me up, i just cant imagine how incredibly down most people would be without you B-rad ! you’re the one who always cares for us the most ❤❤❤
@klaklaplaplaleuszek9970 👍12
At this point supercell should just add I WIN button that you can press to instantly get 3 crowns for 5 dollars a game.
@LollyRock-wr5xb 👍12
I’m an og player who quit when level 15 was announced the same week that I finally got my main deck maxed at 14. Logged in last week to see Dagger Duchess and evolutions and uninstalled again. I miss when playing the game was enough to earn a maxed deck, and there weren’t gimmicks like tower troops and evolutions to make sure that normal people can’t compete.
@callsigncarter8246 👍11
you know it’s bad when b-mad starts cursing
@BenFraser-ft6dv 👍11
Please clash royale isn’t as pay to win as it was
People would legit spend £1000’s just level up their legendary with the super magical chests
@Will_3000 👍10
I might play one game once or twice a week. I used to play for several hours a day
@Laura_tz 👍10
I’ve deleted my OG account which was 8 years old (yes, requested deletion of my account completely). It was the only way to stop this “addiction" thingy, like uninstalling and downloading again, so on. There’s just no point to play anymore: as a f2p player, I’m always under levelled, I’m always the one who doesn’t have evolutions and I’m the only one that cannot get access to any pass.
@carlosemilio385 👍9
This is literally an abusive toxic relationship mentality.
@jiashengjiang4323 👍9
The pass in my opinion is the worst update ever… Normal pass is not fun anymore, you only get a reward once every 3-5 tiers
@mossycastle9117 👍9
Meanwhile Brawl Stars just gave out 5 legendary drops for free, giving players upwards of $100 worth of progression with the best luck. (I personally got about $50 worth which is about average from what I’ve seen)
Such a shame Clash Royale went from such a nostalgic and fun game that I used to play all the time with my middle school friends back in 2016 to this. It used to be annoying but fair when I lost, but now I feel nothing. Such a shame
@YYZ_CR 👍8
brad has invested so much time into this game and it’s so depressing to see him in shambles over the game he used to love so much
@mryoung6794 👍7
That suggesting that Brad made about mastery to unlock level 15 is the single best idea I’ve ever heard with clash royale, it would honestly fix everything they’ve messed up
@anddrewz 👍7
Just to add to the video, the moment Dagger Duchess dropped, they IMMEDIATELY stopped showing up on the event shop.
@lokii6443 👍7
As f2p there’s no point in trying anymore, I lose more than I win, it’s just become pay to win
@Andy-mt9pl 👍6
Someone used a Goblin Curse on Supercell HQ and everyone there became greedy like Goblins.
@vilemmckael1784 👍6
Had spent $500 or so across 5+ years of playing on this game. Dropped hundreds if not thousands of hours into it. Deleted it the second evolutions dropped. I still watch youtube content because the game will always hold a special place in my heart. I’ve always said CR was very similar to chess to me – luck is nearly irrelevant, and winning is nearly always skill based. But drastically changing the entire meta of the game every month with new hundred dollar evolutions made skill much less relevant. It’s heartbreaking. I will be there when a replacement comes along, from anyone other than $uper¢ell. RIP CR